“A gesture of reverence”

This mudra is probably the most famous of all mudras as it is used to end almost all yoga classes.  Practitioners generally take this mudra while saying Namaste, which is also a gesture of respect and reverence.  But you don’t have to wait until the end of class to come into this posture.  By gently pressing your palms together in front of your heart, the left and right hemispheres of the brain come together balancing our energy and bringing you to the moment.  This is a wonderful place to arrive to honor the divine nature of you, me, everything and everybody, at any time in your practice or in your day.  It improves focus, awareness and induces a mindful meditative state

To come into this posture, join the hands together in front of the heart, with fingers together and facing upward. Relax the shoulders back and down and let the elbows fall gently away from the body.  Let the body and spine come into natural alignment. 

The mudra is a natural tonic for stress and anxiety because of its balancing effect on the brain.  It also symbolizes unification, bringing together both our active and receptive nature, honoring the fact that both are essential to feel whole.  In a place of wholeness, our stress and anxiety levels naturally drop. 

Anjali mudra has no contraindications and can be performed anywhere. 

September Newsletter

September Newsletter